Thursday, August 9, 2007

This Week Flew By!

Can it be that it is Thursday and I did not post anything since Monday? I am so sorry, friends! This week has flown by and I can hardly remember what I did! Now for you who know what I am counting down, the fact that this week went fast is good news! My dear husband arrives in 11 days and I really don't mind the days flying by right now!

My hands are getting a good work out this week. The spinner to our washing machine died, so even though we can wash our clothes, we have been rinsing them and wringing them out by hand! We all decided we will wear everything for many days before we put it in the wash! It wouldn't be too bad if it was just our wash, but we had lots of sheets and towels to do this week, because the guest house was full of men who stayed there for the youth camp this past weekend. If fact, Wednesday was the most I worked in a long time! Emma had to go to a funeral, so my mother and I cleaned the guest house and did all the laundry from it. Fortunately it was a great drying day, and even though the towels were initially a bit heavy on the line, they dried
before the sun went down :) And thanks to Matthew, who did a lot of the wringing of the towels. He is much stronger than us and we appreciated his help. He also helped me wash the floors in the guest house and scrubbed the tub till it sparkled!

My friend Heather left yesterday for Macha and I miss her lots! We had such fun together. She spent a number of evenings with us, eating dinner together, playing rummicube, watching CARS, and just talking. I will miss her a lot. We really hit it off, and I hope we stay in touch, even after we go back to the states. She will be in Zambia till the end of October, and we will definitely see her a few times before we leave. By the way, the day after I asked you all to pray for her health, she was all better! Thank you. She and I had gotten in a great habit of taking walks daily. Now I might have to see if Mother wants to join me, because I really liked walking. Lately I have not taken as many walks to town, but that might be
due to having more things to do here, like laundry, cleaning and baking wedding cakes! It's been good to keep busy; gotta have those 11 days fly by :) Sorry....I just REALLY miss my husband; this is LOOOOONG! God has been so faithful, though, even in my times of loneliness; he is my ever present help and joy.

The cakes are all baked with the icing on, and Friday I will decorate them. They are nothing to brag about, but they will taste good! This is the last wedding cake I will ever do, so no more ideas about "my new talent"! You know how it is, between my Mother and I, we are not good at saying no!

So, we are doing fine and in some ways it is feeling like home...if all of you were here, then it would! The only thing missing is all of our family and friends. But it no longer feels like a strange place. I see why my parents call it their second home. But for me, there is a special man at my REAL home who is all alone and I can't wait to see him on August 21 face to face!!


Anonymous said...

So glad this week flew by, dear sister! That's exactly what I've been praying for :) August 21st will be one very beautiful day -- and then, just 3 weeks after that, you'll be home (yeah!!) I miss you so much. Email is okay but there's nothing like talking with you in person!

Love you much,

Unknown said...

Will we see pictures of the cakes?