Wednesday, August 29, 2007

OOPS ... and a Preaching Opportunity

After reading my last post, I realized I made a mistake...I have met 2 men named Moses, and I used the wrong last name when I mentioned Moses and Noria....their last name is Mudaala, not Munsaka. I know most of you would not know the difference, but I am aware that some of my parent's friends who have been here in Nahumba might read these stories and all of you certainly would have caught my mistake! I really don't know much of what I am talking about, so bear with me! The other day I called a young boy Moongo for most of the morning. It wasn't until the real Moongo showed up, that I realized the first boy was Junior! He never corrected me! Oh well, that's how they are here - so kind hearted, loving and accepting.

Today we had 21 children for our Bible Hour! All the same ones, with one addition, and it went very well again. One of the cutest things happened around 9:20 this morning. We begin at 10:00, but at 9:20, I heard a knock on the door. There stood 2 little boys with big smiles, ready to come in! I chuckled as I thought to myself that this is not very typical...being late is customary in Zambia...but these little guys were ready to go and made sure they didn't miss a minute of Bible Hour! Since we weren't quite ready, I had them play outside for a little while, until more came (many of them arrived by 9:45!). They sure were eager!

This afternoon I had a wonderful time of fellowship with Maudie Makani, the mother of 9 children. What a dear lady! She is a devout woman of prayer and it was a pleasure to sit and chat with her about parenting, prayer, church life, godliness, trials and joys. She, along with four or five other women, rise as early as 4:00 AM a few days a week to gather for intercessory prayer. During General Conference, they did that every morning. She commented how when she is praying faithfully and seeking the Lord on a consistent basis, she is free from sickness and physically strong. Quite contrary to what one might naturally think, but that's our God - He becomes our strength in our weakness.

This evening we had our weekly Wednesday evening Bible Study, and it was a special treat to have Ken join us. The pastor of Nahumba BIC was there, as well as Bishop Hammakang'andu. Afterwards, one of the ladies commented how wonderful it was to have Ken there, and how much she appreciated his comments, and his pastor's heart. Once again, I was beaming inside, so proud of my husband and grateful to have him as MY pastor! It doesn't take long for his pastor's heart to come out, even across the oceans! The topic was on caring for the poor, and Ken had some good questions as we all interacted on this difficult topic. We all agreed we need discernment in
knowing exactly WHO the poor really are around us. The folks shared that many here act like they are poor, but are cheaters or liars. One way many of them care for the poor is to give them small jobs to do, since lack of employment is so huge here. I was so humbled as I sat and listened to these dear people who all have so much less than me, yet are looking for ways to care and minister to the poor around them. God Bless them.

Before we left the Bible Study, Pastor Choongo asked Ken to preach at Nahumba BIC church on Sunday. Ken smiled and hesitated and said, "Well, I never preached with an interpreter" which the Bishop replied, "Good, then you should do it at least 2 times!" I think Ken will agree to preach this Sunday, but he said he will let them know for sure tomorrow. I am so excited that I will get to hear my favorite pastor preach a message, much sooner than I thought! Yippee!

Ken brought along a great book fresh off the press....When Sinners Say "I Do", by Dave Harvey. We are reading it together aloud, and are enjoying some great disscusion as a result.

I wish I could respond to each of you that leave a comment, but since I can't, please know how much it means to me to hear from you in this way. Thanks so much for taking time to comment and thanks for your prayers and encouragement.


Anonymous said...

We miss you guys! Can't wait for you to return home, though I know the time out there has been fruitful. I loved hearing about the Bible hour today. It sounds like the kids are so eager!
It's great that the church will have an opportunity to hear Ken preach! I miss him already - Ephesians has been wonderful!

Praying for you,

Anonymous said...


Sounds like a great opportunity to preach with an interpreter. Don't sweat it...the interpreter will correct any miss speak and adjust to fit the culture. Found this out when I was to speak in Haiti with my cousin doing the interpreting.

Glad you are feeling better. Please rest up. We got lots for you to do back home :)

Hi to Beth and Matt.
