Friday, June 15, 2007


Mom and Matt have arrived in Nahumba! From what Dad said yesterday, it took awhile and there are lots of adventures to be told (maybe we'll hear some in an upcoming e-mail!). The electricity was down when she called, but she sounded happy to be there.


Anonymous said...

Beth and Matt, I miss you guys so much!! Before you left, Claire was always asking to pray for you guys at meal time. Now, every time she lays down, for a nap and at night, she says, "Pray Mimi 'Mer', Pray Matt?" So you are now being prayed for even more often!! I hope all is well and that you are getting settled in. I'm eager to get a report on what it is like over there. I pray your parents are doing well, too. Love, Allie

Anonymous said...

Dear Beth and Matt,
You were in my prayers today. I was especially aware that God was going to reveal much to Matt on this trip. I'll be praying that you have an attentive spirit to your LORD.

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends...Beth & Matt!
We love you and will pray for you. I, too, sense this will be a significant time for Matt...buddy, God is good, and He loves your heart to Him ... trust in Him with all your heart!

Love you both lots!!
Donna (for all the Wengers :>)