Friday, June 29, 2007

Family Arrives ... but No Luggage!

This morning Given drove my parents to Lusaka,(a 3-4 hour drive) to pick up my brother Doug, his wife Dar, their daughter Mindy and her husband Brent, who are coming for an 18 day visit. They left this morning at 6:00, early enough to do some grocery shopping for the many items that are not availableor are too expensive in Choma. I just received a call from my Dad telling me they arrived safely, but with no luggage. The next flight from Johannesburg is tonight, and they were told their luggage will be shipped here to Nahumba. Please pray that it arrives on Saturday. As much as we want to believe them, things like this here are different than in the states, so please pray all 8 pieces arrive soon. We rejoice that they have arrived safely, and we will share whatever we can with them until their belongings arrive. My niece's husband, Brent, is quite tall, so I don't think Dad's or Matt's pants will fit him, but hopefully it won't be long before we see that luggage. They did pack a spare set of clothing in their carry-on, so that sure will come in handy.

It will be great having them here. I stayed back at Nahumba and will have supper ready for them when they arrive. Emma is working for us today; she baked bread and made a favorite dish of my Dad's...Tonga cabbage. We tend to call everything they make here "Tonga" something...Tonga chicken, Tonga soup, Tonga nshima. It's all very good.

Matthew stayed yet another extra day in Sikalonga, so today the folks from there brought him back, since they had to renew visas and do some shopping in Choma. He had a great time, and met many wonderful people. They played games together, worshipped and worked together, and took a long hike to beautiful waterfalls. Fortunately he had his camera with him, so he has some nice pictures.

Yesterday was a day for Mother and I to my girly friends will appreciate this, but you men probably will not be able to relate...Did you ever have one of those "failures in the kitchen" days? Well, yesterday was one of those days...our supper just was not turning out the way we flop, some overdone muffins, and veggies that were overcooked...well just as we were trying to figure out how to "redeem" this meal (fortunately this one was just for my parents and me!) - the electricity goes out! Mother and I "lost it". We were laughing so hard -my poor Dad - I think he was ready to ship us both back home! He just shook his head at us, and Mother and I tried not to look at each other much, or we would crack up all over again ....oh laughter is such good food for the soul. :)

Thanks for your prayers - we are all well and feeling stronger every day. We thank the Lord for his continual faithfulness in our lives.

I will keep you posted regarding the luggage.

Thankful for the Cross - Beth

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