Monday, September 3, 2007

A Sunny Sunday

Today was sunny, warm and windy...another beautiful day in Zambia. Ken spoke from Ephesians 2:1-10, a message he had just given at home the week before. He modified (simplifed) it a bit, for the church here, but focused on the gospel. How wonderful to be reminded of God's love and mercy that rescued us from our dead, enslaved, condemned state. What a mighty God we serve. He did a great job, and the interpreter did a good job as well! It was so nice to hear him again, even though it was a bit different being interpreted. It was hard for him to get "preaching" with all the stops and starts. It makes me appreciate those who preach that way on a regular basis. One guy said it was the first he has stayed awake during a message,
and another person mentioned that it was a very timely message for the church here.

This afternoon we took Ken to see Given's house. He sure is working hard on it, and hopes to get the roof on soon. We found out some details on the big machine we saw this is 49 meters long, weighs 140 metric tons, and it will take 60 days to get from S. Africa to the Copperbelt.

Matthew enjoyed a yummy chocolate cake with Peanut butter icing, made by Erma Herr tonight, as the group of young adults met at their home and said their good byes to Matthew. That was his last meeting with them, since we will be in Ndola next weekend. More on that trip later....

Well, other than that, it was a quiet day in Nahumba. It's hard to believe we are in the teens, for days before our return home! That will fly by I'm sure.

Blessings to you all - Beth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Beth, Ken, and Matt!!
How exciting to see that you'll be home in 17 days! I'm so grateful for you and grateful to our great God for giving you such a fruitful time in Zambia. Praying that your last few days in Nahumba will be the best days yet. Can't wait to see you soon!