Thursday, July 5, 2007

Project Day

Today was a project day. Matt, Doug, Dar, Mindy and Brent, supervised by Dad, all worked on scraping and painting an overhang at Choma Primary School. They worked hard, morning and afternoon, scraping, priming, and finishing with 2 coats of paint, and it sure looks great. The school was so pleased with the finished project, and all the workers, although a bit tired, enjoyed the full satisfaction of a job well worth the work! The primary school has many shifts of students, numerous times throughout the day. Children in grades 1-4, for instance will go to school for 3 hours; 3 classes lasting 30 minutes each, take a small break, then return for 3 more classes of 30 minutes each. In grade 5 they begin 45 minute classes and have longer school days. Some of the shifts begin at 6:30, even for the first graders, and many of these children walk 30 minutes to an hour to get to school. By the way, in case you were wondering what Mother and I did, we did some washing, baking and chatting!

Tonight we had an enjoyable evening in the home of the Headmaster of the School, who also happens to be very close friends with my parents. Guyden and Maudy Mikani have 8 children; 6 of them were there tonight as Maudy served us a delicious meal and extended sweet hospitality to us. We like totake a few gifts to give to the people, so tonight Dar gave a little canvas bag to Maudy, and a scribble tablet with crayons to the children. Mother gave some gifts as well, and I gave some clothes, and a little book to Ira, their 7 year old son (thanks, Tina!) and a stuffed bear to Choolwe, their 5 year old daughter (thanks, Harpers!). I so enjoyed sitting with Choolwe on my lap, and Ira right beside me as we read the book together... I read it and they repeated after me. They are learning English, so it's fun to hear them read. Again, what a lovely evening experiencing Zambian hospitality. This family has gone through many difficulties recently. Within a 6 month period, Guyden's Father and Mother passed away, his young sister from Nigeria died suddenly, and their oldest son Ken, had disappeared. They testify of God's goodness in helping them through, but please say a prayer on their behalf, as they continue to walk through some of the effects of these losses.

Friday will be spent in Sikalonga, and Matt has been invited back for a few days, so since we are returning to Sikalonga on Sunday morning for Doug to speak at the Secondary School there, Matt will stay and we will pick him up on Sunday. One of these days I hope to get him to post a little about his experiences!

Thanks for the comments, but please don't feel you have to! It's enjoyable to hear from home when we are so far away! I am grateful that Sarah has taken time to set up this blog for me; it will be a good addition to my hand written journals when I return! And I am glad that it gives all of you readers a taste of our "Life in Nahumba." And for us here, has given the Miller family here in Zambia some good laughs as we try to explain what a blog is to Mother!!



Anonymous said...

Hi dear sister! As always, I just love your blog -- I check it daily (sometimes several times a day) and I've been anxiously awaiting the next one and was delighted when 2 new postings came on today!! I love the way you write about your experiences -- I fondly picture so many of them in my mind as I reflect back on my weeks in Zambia many, many years ago. And oh how well I remember the children and the bananas -- I wanted to buy from them all! And of course the Zambian children always melted my heart, just like they're melting yours :) Thanks for posting a photo of Mother & Dad, too -- what a wonderful surprise that was. Your blog is just one of many ways you're serving Mother & Dad so well by keeping us all up-to-date on life in Zambia. You're getting such a wonderful taste of Zambian life and I know you've got a whole lot more yet coming in the weeks ahead. You're receiving so much from the Zambian people as you experience their lives, but I know you are also so beautifully giving to them, just by being you! Can't wait to see how God is going to use your experiences when you come back home!! I love you and miss you deeply and I'm praying for you. Give my love to everyone.

Love ya, Deb

Anonymous said...

Hello, dear friend!
Oh, how I am enjoying reading all about your time in zambia. What a blessing to hear countless stories of the Lord's kindness and provision. Reading your entries makes me feel as though I'm right there in Choma. (I wish I was! :)
So glad you are enjoying your time and savoring every moment. What a gift to have such extended time with your parents!

I'll continue to pray for you and your family and to give thanks to our God for all He has done for you. Miss you so much!
Much love in Christ,

Anonymous said...

Hey Beth!
I read your blog very often. I love hearing all of the stories you share. I especially loved hearing the one about Mrs. Dwabeke. It's wonderful to hear what God is doing in the lives of people so far away! I love her quote, "When there wasn't money or food, he always provided for us...It's only by the grace of God!" What a wonderful reminder to me. Our God provides for us, even in seemingly hopeless situations!
It sounds like you're having a wonderful time. I'm praying for you and Matt.

Love, Destiny

PS- That's a TON of bananas!!!

Anonymous said...

Opps! I realized that I left the following comment on an earlier post....and you might not read it! Now, you get to read it two times possibly!! We love you both!


From earlier..
Hello Beth & Matt!
We just got back from a vacation at the cabin....Matt...John was able to catch a fish in the creek! We cooked him up right away..delicious!

Thanks for writing so much, Beth! You are missed. You may already know...but here's a post from Alivia Haughery's Blog...please pray..this was just a couple of hours ago...]

"We had our final conversation with the doctors a little bit ago. At this point it is unfair to continue to force her little body to try to work. We will be ending all life support and getting to hold her one last time. Please pray that it will be peaceful, that she won't feel pain and that we will be able to handle this. I love my girl with all my heart."

Love you both! Please tell your mother and dad hello for us. Give your mom a big hug and kiss for me.

Nicoli said...

Hello Beth & Matt!
I've been reading your blog regularly and LOVE to hear all your stories and experiences! All those banannas!! I would have done the same! How can you turn them away? It would be so hard! I pray you are experiencing so much grace and that your lives are being affected by this incredible opportunity!
Please give Ettie my love and let her know I've been praying for her since her fall! I hope she has fully healed!
Take Care! Tell Matt I say hello!

Anonymous said...

I can just see you passing out gifts and interacting with the little is a heart-warming picute in my mind.