Monday, July 16, 2007

A Quieter House

I know I am very late in reporting about the falls, but it will be coming soon! It seems that every time I sit down at the computer it is late at night and I forgot to ask my Dad where the Victoria Falls Fact Sheet is! I know he has one and I would like to include that in my report, so it will have to wait another day. I will say this....they are beautiful and when I first saw them, I just stood there and stared at them for a while, worshipping in my heart, so aware of our Mighty Creator and giving him praise!

We just received an email that Doug, Dar, Mindy and Brent arrived safely at home ... with all their luggage (yeah!). It sure was quiet around here today; we miss them very much. Even though some of you may think that Matt could make enough noise for 4 people, he actually was pretty quiet today! We are doing well. This week we hope to visit more families in the farm compound, sit in on a pre-school class, and visit a reading class that our neighbor has for street children who don't know English very well. The pre-school class is run by Maudy, a dear woman in the church who is a wife and mother (I mentioned her and Guyden in a previous post), and who so graciously brought us a big pan of breakfast cake Saturday evening, so we could all
enjoy a hearty breakfast before the Miller crew kind of her! At Nahumba BIC Church yesterday, they had their final service of revival meetings. The preacher, a teacher at Choma Secondary School, preached on perseverance, and he was good. The service went till 1:00, about an hour longer than usual. Everyone could blame me for that...I was the only white person there, and probably the only reason they interpreted! (Mother and Dad took the others to the airport and Matthew went to an English speaking church in Choma with our neighbors, the Herrs.)

One tid bit about the little children here....the little ones under 3 years old are a bit timid with us white folks; sometimes even afraid, so it hasn't been real easy to bond with them. The preschool ones are fun to talk with, and most of them are learning English, so we can usually carry on a conversation with them.

The last 2 days before my brother and famiy left, we had great times with a number of folks here. Some of them have visited the states, so it was great asking them questions about things like church life, cultural differences, education, etc.

Supposedly this week, a grocery store is going to open in Choma. This is good news. Up to now, it has been hard to get a number of items, since we only have little markets to choose from. We were told it was going to open today, but today they say Thursday or Friday....seeing is believing!

Great news - Today we visited the immmigration officer in Choma and he was so nice! It was no problem getting 30 more days, and when I mentioned that we were told we might have to go to Livingstone to get the next 30 days, he said with a smile, "You just come right back here in 30 days and we will be glad to give you 30 more days!" It was one of the best experiences my parents had with immigration! Thank you Lord!

Today marks the half way mark of being away from Ken....I have been here 5 weeks and we have 5 more to go. I miss him so much, but God's grace is sufficient! We appreciate those who have been praying for us.

Matt and I miss Living Hope Church so much; we have to remind each other not to compare too much! We are spoiled for sure, and more than anything, we REALLY miss the pastor :)

Leza Amulongezye - Beth


Anonymous said...

We have all been thinking so much about Beth, Matt, and Mother and Dad since leaving Zambia and coming home. Our time with them all there was precious. We'll look forward to a happy reunion upon everyone's return! A note to our Zambian family; all of the pictures turned out beautifully! We picked them up last eve. Doug and I are starting to feel a little more normal and adjusting to the time change. We'll try to communicate with Ken today to have him over soon, and have already talked with Deb about a time with she and George. Love and Prayers to all!

Snackpack said...


Thanks for all of the posts. Hollis and I returned from CA this week after attending Bear's wedding (The weather in CA wasn't bad either). I finally am caught up on the events in Zambia and it sounds like such a fabulous experience over there.

You are certainly in our prayers and we can't wait to hear more stories from Zambia. Tell Matt I miss him and I hope he is enjoying his lack of showering over there.

Anonymous said...

Dear Beth, Matt, Dick & Ettie,
What an exciting summer you are having! Beth, I thank you for carving out time to share your experiences with us. Your journaling is so descriptive, I feel like a participant, and eagerly await the next entry. I look forward to pictures you will have to share!
Many experiences you are sharing remind me of E-Team adventures - renewing the 30 day visas reminded me of the time we prayed and waited for 3 hrs to cross the border from Hungary into Romania, under the mercy of Romanian soldiers carrying guns. God is faithful to provide that His purposes go forth.
As I've been praying for you I've seen a picture of you walking in a field, through rows of wheat, harvesting the heavy grains on the top of the stalks. God is planting many seeds in you during this time in Zambia. As He continues to give you opportunities to share with ladies at LHC & elsewhere, you will be gleaning an abundant harvest from this season to share. We and many others will be all the richer for it. Thank you for the sacrifice you and Ken are making for the kingdom of God. I rejoice with you in the opportunity to create many precious memories with Dick & Ettie and Matt. Please give them hugs from me and a hello.
I apologize for the delay in communication with you, shortly after you left a storm "fried" the modem in my computer. Gratefull to Bob for getting me up & running.
Love & Prayers,