Monday, August 6, 2007

The Dress, the Cake and Waiting ...

Allie, good questions! (Keep those comments coming .. .I love them! And so does Matt!) The Bride's dress was very pretty. As it turns out, she wore the one that the groom rented. (I may have said he bought it, but I was wrong...they rent the dresses here.) Evidently, it wasn't the size that was the problem, but the matron did not care for it. She has a lot to say about the wedding, I think...she's sorta in charge. Anyway, the bride liked it so they went with it. We have had a number of situations like this....we hear one thing and then find out another story quite different than the first. I guess that happens in any country!

As for the bite sized pieces of cake, I'm not sure if this is common (I'll let you know after the next wedding!), but 2 13x9 oblong cakes were used for the people, and there is no way that will feed as many people that come to the reception. From what we heard, it is not uncommon for people to come to the reception that were not invited! Emma made 5 round cakes, but they were for other to preserve for the first baby, one for the matron, one for the groom's family, one for the bride's family and one for the line up. We are making the cakes for the wedding on Saturday, and maybe we will suggest making another 9x13, so everyone can get more than a bite size piece of cake...we'll see! I figure, what's eight cakes if we're already making seven?! Should be interesting.... Oh, by the way, on Sunday, we found out that a number of people went to the wrong church for the wedding ceremony.
Many of the same people were invited to these 2 weddings. The ceremonies are held at different churches and evidently some went to the church where the second wedding is going to be held. I'm sure that was disappointing.

Today I waited. It was good for me to wait. Patience is a virtue! I was accompanying a woman to Batoka and was told that we were leaving around 7 AM. So a little after 7, I walked to her home, but she said I was too early. She would come and pick me up between 7 and 8. Someone came for me at 9:20. Yes, patience is a virtue, and living in Zambia helps me work on that virtue!


sarah said...

As always I loved talking to you today for our weekly phone conversation! Your stories are great ... thanks for taking the time to send them. I'm confident you'll do just fine making those cakes. :) And by the way, you are the most patient woman I know ... and also very humble as you seek to grow in an area that I think you already excel in! I still want to be like you when I grow up. :)

Love you and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Beth,
I'm sitting at my desk, reading your blog, while I eat my lunch. With Alivia's birth, it's been a few days since I was able to read them. It was such fun reading what's been happening in "your" part of the world! With your new wedding cake baking experience, you could become the LHC wedding cake expert! =) I can hardly believe that in just a few short weeks, your and Ken's seperation will be history! Not a day too soon, you're sure to be thinking!
Praying that the God of all grace keeps you in His care! ~cathy