Monday, August 13, 2007

Thirty Wonderful Years!

Thirty years ago today, I married my best friend. Today he is still my best friend, and I would marry him again, because I think he is the best!

Thank you, Ken, for asking me to marry you! The best years of my life have been spent with you, and I love you more than ever. Thank you for loving me in an understanding way and for modeling to me what it means to live for God's glory. You have been such a positive influence in my life, and so much of who I am today, is because of your powerful example. I am so grateful that the Lord kept you for me! I respect you and love you with all my heart. Being separated from you these 9 weeks (soon to be 10!) makes me cherish you all the more. I have missed so much about you, but especially I miss you by my side, leading me wisely, tenderly caring for me, and experiencing life together. This is the first anniversary we were not able to be together, but in 8 days, we will celebrate as we re-unite once again! I have observed and heard from the Africans here that married couples don't show much (if any) affection in public. Well.....I am in love with my husband, and it's been way too long since I've seen him, so I plan to be very close to him! Can't wait to see you in 8 days, my love! Then I can tell just YOU the rest of my thoughts, cause I could go on and on!


sarah said...

Happy Anniversary!
We love and respect you and Dad and we are thankful for your example!
Sarah (for Brian and the kiddos too - xoxoxoxoxoxo)

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree with you more, dear sister. So glad God brought you two together 30 years ago. You two are the best! Happy Anniversary . . . just 1 week to go and then you can really celebrate!!

Love you much,

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!!
Beth, it blesses my soul to hear how much in love you are with my brother and to hear that your relationship has grown deeper and you're more in love than ever:) Thanks for sharing from your heart and for the good example you've been also.
Beth & Matt, We missed having you at the Mellinger get together yesterday. We had a good turn out and a wonderful time visiting with each other. We'll have to get together again when you're back home.