Monday, August 20, 2007

He's in South Africa!

I received a very short email from Ken saying he is in Johannesburg, South Africa, in his hotel for tonight, so I am quite excited as I head into my last night of sleeping alone in Africa :) If you have any other questions, will have to wait, just like me, because my husband is a man of little words, especially in emails! I will just assume his luggage is with him, that he had a good flight and all is well! I will fill you in with the details after seeing him in person tomorrow!! Oh, how wonderful to know he is now on the same continent as me!

Matthew has a bad case of "dad-eagerness"...i.e. what some might call a bit "hyper"! But he's allowed; it's been a long time!

Today was laundry day and grocery day, and another beautiful day in Zambia. We met more people that my parents knew, both at the house and as we were in town. It never ceases to amaze me how many folks they know in this place! I'm sure that will continue this week, as Zambia General Conference takes place right here at the Choma Secondary School. Many will gather from Wednesday through Sunday for special meetings. The Guest House is full and it will be a busy place. Ken is coming right in the middle of the busiest week of the summer, but don't worry...we'll be sure to get some alone time and rest time! I am already looking forward to taking walks with him, showing him the many paths of beautiful Nahumba. It will also be a great
time to meet many of the special people that mean so much to my parents, so I am glad he will be here when so many of them are in town. My Dad is also hoping to have some of the pastors over to our house to give Ken an opportunity to relate with them.

Well, time to TRY to get some sleep! Tomorrow is a BIG day in my life :) Thanks for your prayers...

My heart is filled with a thousand songs
Proclaiming the glories of Calvary
With every breath, Lord how I long,
To sing of Jesus who died for me -
Lord, take me deeper, in the glories of Calvary.


Anonymous said...

Rejoicing with you, Beth and Matt (and Ken)! By the time you read this I am trusting the joyful reunion will have taken place. What joy! Have a great time together!! Can't wait to hear all about it! Love you and praying for you all. Cindy

Anonymous said...

My dear sister, you didn't really think you would actually get sleep tonight, did you? Just thinking of you anticipating Ken's arrival makes me smile. Wish I could see your face when you see that terrific guy of yours at the airport! So glad you're finally going to be together again after this very long separation. Somehow I think you'll be sticking rather close to him for awhile :)

I'm praying that the airline person who checks in Ken's suitcases at Nationwide will be their staff person with the biggest heart!

Love you much, Deb

Anonymous said...

Oh Happy Day!! Something tells me that this day will take the prize for being the most favorite day for both of you - and Matt, too! - in all of 2007!

I was so glad to read Sarah's report yesterday that she had heard from her Dad, and that he had safely arrived in South Africa.

love you and miss you much,

Anonymous said...

Hi, Beth and Matt! Woo Hoo!!!! (as we say in the south :)
So happy for you that the big day has finally arrived. Praying for all of you that the coming month will be full of rich fellowship and sweet reunions. What a wonderful time it will be! Miss you very much and I can't wait to hear more about all that our Great God is doing in Zambia and in your hearts!
Much love in Christ,

Anonymous said...